The Little Magic Flute, lovingly drawn and directed by animation pioneer Curt Linda, is one of the timeless classics of children's film. The fresh and exciting film version of Mozart's opera brings the well-known characters to animated life in imaginative pictures and with Mozart's unique music. The film version also tells the adventurous story of Prince Tamino and his companion Papageno, who set off together to the kingdom of day to free the beautiful Pamina. Protected by a wondrous magic flute, they must first endure numerous adventures and trials until, in the end, Tamino and Pamina can happily embrace each other.
The Little Magic Flute, lovingly drawn and directed by animation pioneer Curt Linda, is one of the timeless classics of children's film. The fresh and exciting film version of Mozart's opera brings the well-known characters to animated life in imaginative pictures and with Mozart's unique music. The film version also tells the adventurous story of Prince Tamino and his companion Papageno, who set off together to the kingdom of day to free the beautiful Pamina. Protected by a wondrous magic flute, they must first endure numerous adventures and trials until, in the end, Tamino and Pamina can happily embrace each other.