Mateso is a powerful short film that explores the devastating effects of violence and trauma in war-torn Africa. The film follows a young boy named Mateso, who was born into a world of conflict and chaos after his father was brutally murdered before his birth. With his mother, Mateso must navigate the dangerous terrain of a war zone and the harsh realities of displacement and loss.
As he struggles to come to terms with his painful past and uncertain future, Mateso hopes to find solace in the bonds of family and community.
Mateso is a powerful short film that explores the devastating effects of violence and trauma in war-torn Africa. The film follows a young boy named Mateso, who was born into a world of conflict and chaos after his father was brutally murdered before his birth. With his mother, Mateso must navigate the dangerous terrain of a war zone and the harsh realities of displacement and loss.
As he struggles to come to terms with his painful past and uncertain future, Mateso hopes to find solace in the bonds of family and community.