Bus Stop

Short Film/Society, Germany 2011

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At the "Johanniskirche" bus stop in the Pennenfeld district of Bonn, 1,500 students from five different schools come together every day at noon after school ends: Hauptschule students, Realschule students and Gymnasium students. What elsewhere might only lead to the usual bullying among peers, here comes to an extreme head. Mutual bullying and even brawls with police intervention are the result. In 2009, such extreme incidents occur that it becomes clear to everyone that things cannot go on like this. An inter-school sports festival, "Pennenfeld United," is initiated by the student representatives of the schools. Hosna and Nabiel Hakim were born in Germany, their family comes from Afghanistan. The siblings don't really fit into any pigeonhole: Muslims but liberal. Gymnasium instead of Hauptschule. Hosna wants to become a politician later and is actively involved in the mediation activities. She helps out at the sports festival. Nabiel takes a more critical view of the whole thing; he is skeptical about whether it will really work out that way.
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16:9 SD, Color

Age recommendation of the KJF:

Starting at 10 years

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